Co-founder and member of the management board of Perspectiva Plus AG
Former head of the special education team of a large Zurich municipality
Responsible for the integration of young people with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream schools
Former remedial teacher at various levels
Collaboration with the child and adolescent psychiatry department of the University of Zurich on the integration of pupils with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Former lecturer for mathematics at a private grammar school
Training as a specialist in animal-assisted therapy at the Freiburg Institute for Animal-Assisted Therapy (ISAAT)
Basic and advanced ABA/FIVTI theory course Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich, Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Autism Unit
Master of Arts in Special Needs Education, specializing in autism at the University of Applied Sciences for Special Needs Education (HfH) Zurich
German as a second language (DAZ) at the University of Teacher Education Unterstrass